Star Wars: 8 Ideas For A Live-Action TV Show

There's an entire universe of possibility...

Star Wars Stormtrooper Academy

The notion of doing a live-action Star Wars TV show has been around for a very long time. For years fans have wondered what might be the best concept, how the switch from film to television could work to tell a different kind of story.

At last, it seems, it may actually happen. Ever since Lucasfilm was bought by Disney for a galactic four billion dollars, the amount of Star Wars related content on the horizon has become as vast as a binary sunset.

Talk of a live-action Star Wars TV show has returned full force, and with companies like Netflix pumping money into exclusive content, the chances of it happening are higher than ever.

But what might a Star Wars TV show involve? What freedoms and limitations might television bring? Here's a look at how it might just work.

8. The Old Republic

Star Wars Stormtrooper Academy

There are so many reasons why kicking off the world of Star Wars TV shows with The Old Republic would be a great idea. For a start, it's something fans have been dreaming about seeing on-screen for years. It's also got one of the most interesting protagonists in Star Wars history: Revan, a Sith Lord re-purposed to be loyal to the Galactic Republic.

The Old Republic would be set against the collapse of the Republic, beginning with Darth Malak's assault on the galaxy. Seeing Revan as a Sith Lord at the beginning, only to witness his defeat and subsequent retraining would make incredibly compelling television, and allow Star Wars to explore character development with an intricacy it's never really been able to. Seeing how the show would take place long, long before the events of the prequels it'd be a great opportunity to introduce a host of fresh faces to the Star Wars universe, too.

There's a reason Star Wars fans love The Old Republic: it's got everything. Epic Jedi versus Sith lightsaber battles, unique, interesting characters and an absolutely enormous amount of narrative material, covering everywhere from familiar locations like Tatooine and Dantooine to less familiar planets like Manaan and Jorriban. It's deeply rooted in Star Wars history while also offering up something totally new. Besides, who doesn't want to see Revan and Malak facing off on-screen?

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