Star Wars: 8 Ideas For A Live-Action TV Show

4. The Cantina

Star Wars Stormtrooper Academy

Most successful sitcoms are based around a cast of characters who frequent a singular location, so what better place to set a show than Mos Eisley Cantina? The cast could be made up of a group of people and creatures who are "regulars" to the bar, discussing their lives and the local goings on. When most people think of Star Wars they think of huge battles, dramatic conflicts and massive stakes - so why not show the other side of the coin?

The show would be similar in tone to something like Friends or Seinfeld, cashing in on the nostalgia people have for original trilogy Star Wars and also nineties sitcoms. Each week the main characters would meet at the Cantina to talk about their week, allowing for humorous anecdotes and sketch-based flashbacks. They could discuss current goings on in the Star Wars universe, too, which reference main series events (like a wry discussion about the destruction of the second Death Star).

All of this would be weaved together within a different narrative each week, focusing on the "mundane" aspects of life in the Star Wars universe and the character's relationships. Each week the main narrative would be relayed by one of the main characters, like an experience they had while working on a moisture farm or going on a date.

Again, the show could utilise a bunch of unknowns, and the fact it'd mostly take place on a couple sets would keep the budget way, way down. Most ideas for a Star Wars TV show would likely be budget heavy, so testing the waters with something that isn't a huge risk financially might be a smart idea.

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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.