Star Wars: 8 Ideas For A Live-Action TV Show

2. Stormtrooper Academy

Star Wars Stormtrooper Academy

When it comes to Star Wars, there's an overabundance of material told from the "good guys" perspective. While this is how most traditional narratives work, it'd be interesting to delve into less black and white moral territory. Specifically, why not centre a show on a group of young men and women who pledge to join the Empire?

The show could be based on a group of younger characters who join the Empire as members of the Stormtrooper Academy. The characters join for believable, relatable reasons: to find work or because they're won over with lies. Over the course of the narrative, however, they'd all respond differently to what they witness or what they're asked to do.

Training to become Stormtroopers would mean action could drive the narrative, upping the stakes while keeping the show entertaining to watch. Plus, it'd be interesting to see the war against the Rebels from the Empire's perspective.

A show like this would be a good opportunity to focus on a younger cast of characters, teenagers or young adults who are only starting out in life when the opportunity arises to support the Empire. A coming-of-age tale in which a group of friends gradually breaks apart would be unlike anything Star Wars has ever tackled. Think of it as Star Wars answer to the "young adult" genre, a show that deals with characters at a much earlier stage in life.

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