Star Wars: 8 Things That The Sequel Trilogy Got RIGHT

7. Looking The Part

Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Rey

Let’s face it. As fun as the prequel trilogy can be to rewatch, a lot of it just looks so ugly by modern standards. That’s mostly because of the excessive blue screen that George Lucas used to bring the films' many locations to life, even if it was completely unnecessary. The scenes that take place inside the Jedi temple on Coruscant are by far the worst offenders.

The original trilogy, despite being over a decade older, has aged much better visually thanks to the reliance on practical effects.

The sequel series realised this and used computer generated effects far more sparingly to enhance its practical effects, rather than relying on it outright.

This results in aliens that feel as though they really exist, space battles that put you right in the middle of them, and an overall polished and cinematic look that Star Wars hadn’t really seen since Return of the Jedi.

It’s a testament to the skill of all the cinematographers, production designers and visual effects artists involved that the sequel trilogy gives us some of the best-looking visuals that Star Wars has ever delivered.

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