Star Wars: 8 Things That The Sequel Trilogy Got RIGHT

1. Unexpected Moments

Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Rey

This one is probably going to be the most controversial.

Whether or not you like that the sequel trilogy is willing to throw curveballs its audience’s way depends largely on what you actually want out of Star Wars.

Do you want cinematic comfort food with all your favourite characters going on more adventures together or do you want something that’s not afraid to build on and challenge what’s come before it? Whichever side you fall on, it’s clear that the creative teams behind the sequel trilogy largely chose the latter.

From killing off Han Solo in the very first movie to having the main villain unexpectedly killed in the second, this trilogy is certainly one that puts good storytelling ahead of simply rehashing what came before.

The Rise of Skywalker largely retreats into fan service, admittedly, and it is the weakest of the three for that reason. Still, it’s nice to know that this decades old franchise still has a few tricks up its sleeve and isn’t afraid to deploy twists just as shocking as when Darth Vader declared that he was Luke’s father all those years ago.

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