Star Wars: 8 Ways The Rise Of Skywalker Sets Up Episode 10

3. Finn's Connection With The Force

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Finn the Force

Now this is a weird one. Throughout The Rise of Skywalker, Finn mentions that he has something important he needs to tell Rey. It's brought up numerous times and it feels like the movie is building towards a huge revelation, but then... it's never resolved.

However, thanks to director J.J. Abrams and star John Boyega, we now know exactly what Finn's secret was: he's Force-sensitive. Abrams confirmed this in a recent Q&A session, while Boyega posted a not-so-cryptic comment on his Instagram page when asked about this very subject: "it's an instinct... a feeling."

So if Finn has the Force, why wasn't this explicitly mentioned in the movie, and why draw so much attention to Finn's secret, only to never outright reveal it?

It could always be a deleted scene, sure, but the more tantalising option is that it's some form of sequel-bait. If Finn were to return in Episode X, then it's only natural that his Force abilities would be a major part of his story, and considering his Stormtrooper origins, maybe he even struggles with the pull of the Dark Side?

Rey could even be his master, and he could be part of her new Jedi training school. After all, why would he want to tell her so badly? He probably wants someone to help him control his powers.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.