Star Wars: 8 Ways The Rise Of Skywalker Sets Up Episode 10

4. The Adventures Of Zorii And Poe

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Finn the Force

Midway through The Rise of Skywalker, the group encounters Zorii Bliss, a character who has a history with Poe. The two get a quiet scene together where they discuss what they're up against, and it's implied that they once shared a close (possibly even romantic) connection at some point in the past, and they clearly have a lot of admiration and respect for each other.

At the end of the film they get another interaction. When everyone is hugging and celebrating the Resistance's victory, Zorii and Poe look at each other across the crowd. They nod in approval, before Poe gestures towards her in a cheeky manner. However, Zorii rejects this advance, and they both go their separate ways.

We don't get a lot of Zorii and Poe in the film but it's obvious they'd both work really well together if they chose to partner up. The first nine Star Wars episodes have been quite grand and large-scale, but they've also featured some smaller subplots too - so wouldn't it be awesome to get an Episode X that includes a story revolving around these two scoundrels heading off on a gritty, more low-key adventure?

Granted, that sounds like something more fitting of a Disney Plus show than a blockbuster movie, but if Poe did appear in Episode X, it's not like he'd be involved in all that magic Jedi business, would he?


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.