Star Wars: 9 Reasons The Special Editions Are Secretly Better

2. The Space Explosions Look Absolutely Excellent

Before, Alderaan€™s fiery end looked like a pretty desultory spectacle: rather than going out with a satisfying WOOMPH or KABLAMMO, Leia€™s home world goes up in a waft of confetti and a single sparkler. It€™s an undignified end for a planet which helped found the Galactic Republic. As gutted as she might be to see everything she€™s ever known and loved blown up in front of her very eyes, part of the reason Leia was so upset when Alderaan got destroyed was probably what a totally lame spectacle its demise made. Now, with a bit more fire, more debris, and a ring effect emanating out from the blast centre, it looks like the seismic event it€™s meant to be. The same goes for the Death Star explosions too - they€™re absolute whoppers now, and so much better for it.

Holding midfielder; can get forward. Decent engine.