Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Expanded Universe Stories That Should Be Used For Inspiration

9. Legacy Era

I like the Legacy Era for the fact that it takes the works of so many encompassing stories from over the years and mashes all of the characters together much like the New Jedi Order did (more on that in a moment). The Legacy Era focuses on a time when the galaxy is at peace, something we have never seen on the big screen. This series also touches on the fall to the Dark Side of Jacen Solo, the son of Han and Leia. What the books began to do as they progressed was really explore the Force not so much in terms of Light and Dark but also in a gray realm. It makes the Force more philosophical than mystical. I love Jacen€™s character in the fact that he really weighs situations and events in this manner a lot. In Jacen€™s mind, the end justifies the means and we see him fall to the Dark Side and declare himself Darth Caedus, a Sith Lord, as a result. The Legacy Era could really work because in Star Wars continuity, it takes place roughly 35-40 years after the events of Episode I: A New Hope. Considering that this film will come out within the same span as the original makes it perfect for a return to the big screen. How great would it be to see actors Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher return to their iconic roles aged in real time the same as the characters that they portrayed? They could then introduce the next generation of characters we€™ve met through the years in the EU. I find this highly unlikely but it€™s a fun thought. Likelihood of being a film: 8
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