Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Reasons J.J. Abrams Will Ruin It

5. Star Wars Fans Are Notorious Pedants

To be fair to Abrams, we are being pretty harsh on him, and the entire world is going to be looking to him for answers if Episode 7 isn't any good. However, there is one problem bigger than his own strengths and weaknesses that he will have to face, and that's the never pleased, easily-upset legion of Star Wars fans worldwide who he will have to go into hiding from if the film doesn't meet their high standards. We're all well aware of how much ire George Lucas has received from Star Wars fans over the last decade and a half after the new trilogy (specifically the first two films) turned out to be colossal disappointments, not at all living up to the original films. One wouldn't be surprised if Abrams even made a good film, but Star Wars fans, unable to separate it from the original or new trilogy, simply dismissed it. Furthermore, purists might take umbrage with it if it isn't referential enough to the original films, and tries to carve out its own identity. On the flipside, the mediocrity of Lucas' new trilogy could work in Abrams' favour; fans will be so jaded about any future Star Wars film that even if it's just moderately decent, it may come as a relief. If it's great, then he will be exalted to God-like status.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]