Star Wars Episode 7: 10 Rumours That Have Us Anxious

1. Captain Kirk & Friends Will Make Cameo Appearances

William Shatner is apparently a little more than miffed at not being asked to make a cameo in the new Star Trek movies. Very understandable, but now the actor is hinting to the press that the way Abrams can make up for it is by giving him a small part to play in the new Star Wars. Not only him, but Simon Pegg also got pegged as a potential Star Wars actor a few weeks ago as well. While the brit was graciously quick to end the rumor he is a confessed Star Wars fanboy fanatic and casting him for some small part by Abrams almost makes too much perfect sense. Even Zoe Saldana is rumored to play a small part in the new Star Wars film. Recently she was quoted as to be in talks with Abrams about a role. Just so long as she can play, in her own words, "a sexy something, like a Princess from another planet." What's next? The Vulcan race making an appearance? Answer that one only if you dare.

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