Star Wars Episode 7: 4 Ways To Improve The Prequel Trilogy Canon

1. Explicitly Deal With What A Jedi Are Via Their Training

Much of the reasons why Anakin fell are told off screen or in the SWEU. In fact, so is all of his training. I accept that Luke's cinematic training is also incomplete and told in splashes, but this was due to the ad hoc circumstances of civil war. Anakin's training was largely in a time of peace. Cinema goers still never actually see how a Jedi is trained. There are bits and pieces in the films, but that is not enough for non-SWEU fans. In the prequels there is never any follow through on what a Jedi is, and why they are so revered. Stuff just kind of happens and the Jedi look like fools for the most part. I understand that was done to further the story of Anakin. However there is no connection as a result when Anakin falls. The human element is lost and it flops. Too much was attempted at once. There was no slow build or pacing. Yoda tells us, " Patience you must learn patience." This is never embraced by those who made the films. To understand and connect with the far-fetched idea of "space wizards turning evil." The audience must see them grow and develop. Anakin was shoe-horned in the films for the most part. Even though the SWEU has done their best to fix this; he is still a poor and underwritten character. With Jacen Solo they have a clean slate. They can show his training with Jaina, his passion and hate developing in battle. Then finally show how and why a Jedi turns and becomes a Sith Lord. If they do this the duel from Invincible will move many, as the first duel between father and son did in Empire. The damage of the prequels is done and nothing can change that. However the nonsense that is overlooked can be fixed. The original trilogy happens in res media (in the middle of things). A New Hope opens during the Rebellion while everything is already in motion. Lucas chose to follow the characters in a small universe. Each part of the universe was clearly established. There are some holes, but for the most part these were fun elements that could be expanded upon without having to explain huge gaps in the story (except for Shadows of the Empire). The prequels need the SWEU to feel complete, as we see the start of something huge but its plot jumps years at a time. Their gift is that they defined the look of the greater Star Wars Universe but at the same time fail to engage with it on a substantial level. These new films can take the above arcs and other gaps from the prequels are work them into the fabric of their cinematic world. The history has to be acknowledged and complemented, or if feels incomplete and unnatural. If they fail to understand this we will have another Phantom Menace. Like this article? Agree or disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.