Star Wars Episode 7: 5 Canon-Friendly Casting Choices

2. Mandy Patinkin as Kyle Katarn

url-5 Now you gamers out there aren€™t going to tell me you€™ve never dreamed of seeing Kyle Katarn on the big screen done properly? And I€™m sure Mandy Patinkin could do it as properly as can be done. His work on Homeland shows that he€™s got the charisma and hard edge (not to mention the beard) to pull off the Stormtrooper-turned-special agent-turned-Jedi Master in his later years. And just look at his sword fight from The Princess Bride. Surely picking up a lightsaber would come easy to the man who played Inigo Montoya, no matter which hand he held it in?

I am a history student and writer, pursuing a career in film and literature. I also love Star Wars, Doctor Who and many other film, TV and game franchises. It always interests me to hear what people have to say about films and TV shows, and I’m fascinated by new perspectives. I’d welcome any feedback and comments you might have as well!