Star Wars Episode 7: 5 Reasons Disney Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To the Franchise

3. Disney Is The Best Home For Star Wars

This is by far the thing that people seem unable to grasp. Anyone complaining about the buyout immediately goes to the company that now has the rights, claiming them to be €˜unsuitable€™. Disney is no different from any of the other big hitters of American cinema, but its reputation is dominated by animation and its kid friendly TV output that people seem blinded to the fact they€™re behind plenty of quality features (most recently War Horse) through the likes of Touchstone Productions. Had it been Warner Bros. or Universal that made the buy, there€™d be a lot less animosity towards them, despite the fact there isn't that much difference. In fact, Disney is probably the best choice for a major studio. Lucasfilm has always been an independent studio, stemming from Lucas€™ early fall out from the Hollywood machine, so seeing them become part of the studio system as part of a company that understands how to please its target audience is satisfying. As their purchase of Pixar in 2006 showed, Disney are happy to allow sub-divisions to develop in their own way. Look at what they did for Marvel. Aside from the intrigue of a team up, the majority of the stand alone movies had been typically average fare. But once Disney took over, gifting Marvel with great talent and funds, we got The Avengers, a film adored by fans and the general public alike. If they can come close to that level of quality and success with Star Wars, we should be in for a treat.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.