Star Wars Episode 7: 7 Directors That Would Rock

3. Christopher Nolan

An odd choice? Maybe. Who wants Star Wars grounded in reality? Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy seemed to receive a mixed response. Some die hard Batman fans claim Nolan eradicated too many superhero elements with his overly realistic approach to the canon. Alternatively, his fans claim it has been the best interpretation of Gotham and it's inhabitants in the history of Batman. Whatever your view, there is no denying Nolan is one of best modern directors around and he could have the time to start building right now for Star Wars. But, in order for Star Wars to remain Star Wars, Nolan needs to embrace the fantastical. As much as I love Batman Begins, that style wouldn't work within the Star Wars universe. Nolan would need to use Inception and The Prestige as inspiration and then run wild. Nolan is topping Internet polls as the director most fans would like to see but would he really be the best choice?

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!