Star Wars Episode 7: 7 Reasons Why The Yuuzhan Vong Should Appear

2. The Story Suits A Three Act Structure

Although I love the Prequels, one point I will concede is that their structure as a whole is a bit off with The Phantom Menace not having a strong enough connection to its sequels. An adaptation of the Yuuzhan Vong War story could easily avoid that by it being a long running direct event with a defined beginning and end and with plenty of significant moments partway through. In terms of story, it's perfect to adapt into a trilogy. Episode 7 should logically be the start of the war with an adaptation of R.A. Salvatore's novel Vector Prime that sees the first Yuuzhan Vong incursion and easily sets up Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin for new audiences. It's also a self-contained story in itself since it ends with the first wave of Vong invaders being repelled but makes it clear that more are coming. Plus, the death of Chewbacca around three quarters of the way through would really help to set the tone. Following on from that, Episode 8 would need to be much darker in a more Empire Strikes Back vein and either be the Voxyn story and feature Anakin's death at the climax if the film was going for a more personal angle, or be a more general war story that shows the extent of how much the galaxy is suffering and ends with the Vong's conquest of Coruscant and the subsequent fragmentation of the New Republic. Because if you want a dark ending to a Star Wars film that shows just how bleak everything is, few things could accomplish that more than Coruscant, the shining city capital of the Republic, reduced to burning rubble and slowly being reshaped into a hostile jungle. And finally, Episode 9 would obviously be the climax of the war with the retaking of Coruscant and the final defeat and exile of the Vong but with a very muted ending that shows how screwed up everything is despite the Vong being defeated.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.