Star Wars Episode 7: 7 Reasons Why The Yuuzhan Vong Should Appear

1. It's A Significant Turning Point For The Saga

Star Wars Episode Vii Legacy Of The Force New Jedi Order The Yuuzhan Vong War is a point of enormous significance in the Star Wars saga. Not only is it an event that causes the deaths of Chewbacca and Anakin Solo, it's also responsible for the dissolution of the New Republic and the rise of the Galactic Alliance, and sets up the Second Galactic Civil War and Legacy storylines. Put simply, nothing after the year 30 ABY (30 years after the Battle Of Yavin) could have happened without the Vong War. The Galactic Alliance wouldn't have been formed, Jacen Solo wouldn't have fallen to the Dark Side, and Darth Krayt wouldn't have been able to sabotage the Vong's post-war restoration efforts and ease his own rise to power a century later. It's that big a tipping point. The best part of a potential Yuuzhan Vong storyline is that it sets the stage for future films based on subsequent events to be made. Especially an adaptation of the Legacy comics, which take place in 137 ABY and are about Luke Skywalker's descendent Cade reluctantly facing up to his heritage as a Jedi and a Skywalker, and battling against Darth Krayt's Sith Empire. As well as being a damn good story, these films would only be partly reliant on a cameo from Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker's ghost which could easily be cut from the script or recorded years in advance and added in later. Everything else about the Legacy story (bar a Deathstick-induced hallucination of a young Anakin Skywalker) could be adapted at any given time so long as the stage was well set with an adaptation of the Vong War story. Or in the more immediate future (while Mark Hamill's still able to swing a Lightsaber), it would allow for production of a fourth trilogy chronicling Jacen Solo's fall to the Dark Side and the second Galactic Civil War. Either of these would be an excellent direction to go in after the Sequel Trilogy and would be like vacuuming money out of Expanded Universe fans' wallets. Do you want to see the Yuuzhan Vong in the Sequel Trilogy? If not, who do you want to be the villains? Let us know in the comments below...

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.