Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Journey Begins…

The Final Product

Episode 7 opening May 2015, (It has to be May right? Disney HAVE to get that one right) is the date in all of our calendars. There€™s nothing quite like Star Wars day. The midnight screenings. The excited fans. The far too long adverts and trailers before the film starts on our big screens and then BOOM! The crawl and we€™re off. The Saga continues but will it be different this time? Through all of this journey, from the day Lucasfilm and Disney announced the sale right up until the film€™s release I€™ve decided to let a lot of my concerns go. There€™s no Fox fanfare. There€™s not a great deal of obvious places to go and many of the much loved character are dead. Disney might ruin it and more importantly there€™s no Lucas involvement, an element I would imagine will be talked about a lot in the years to come. All of this and more concern me greatly because I don€™t want the greatest movie franchise of all time to fail or even let me down. I have almost zero issue with the prequels and happily see the six films as a Saga and not two distinctly different trilogies and while I€™ll admit I was happy to call it a day with six films, the prospect of more makes my inner 8 year old geek out. Taking a much loved Jedi stance, I say €˜patience€™. It doesn't really matter who€™s written it. It doesn€™t matter who€™s directing it. It doesn€™t matter that the House of Mouse are funding it. What matters is that Episode 7 feels like a Star Wars film. I don€™t want a love letter to Star Wars. I don€™t want an obvious effort to fix small things, certain areas of fandom hated. I want a Star Wars film. I want it to look like a Star Wars film. I want it feel like a Star Wars film and despite my concerns that anything outside of Lucas€™s close control over can€™t achieve that, I have to keep that bottled up until that final product arrives. The journey to Star Wars Episode 7 looks to be as exciting as the build up to all the others were. Disney do not need to re-invent the wheel with this one. Lucasfilm have already created the greatest campaign to promote a movie anyway and really all they need to do is follow the examples laid out through Episodes 1-3. Whatculture will be there throughout the entire run. We€™ll bring you pictures, video, opinion, celebration, critical views and if you are all up for it even spoilers. We at Whatculture are ready for Episode 7. Do you fancy joining us?

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