Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Journey Begins…

The TV Spots

Episode 7 tvspot A Star Wars TV spot is more than just a TV Spot. We usually get more insight into certain elements, such as character and story beats like most TV spots but the real fans, who are choking at the bit for the film to arrive at this point get to see slivers of new footage when the TV spot arrives. Usually its extensions to clips we€™ve seen in the longer trailers but sometimes it€™s something totally new. A stand out moment for me was the AOTC spot that ended with the Clone Troopers firing laser blasts through the dust on Geonosis. It was a tiny moment but it really worked at setting the scenes for the €˜attack€™ in Attack of the Clones and just seeing troopers on screen again was enough to send a Star Wars fan€™s head spinning.

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