Star Wars: Episode 8 - 10 Major Twists That Could Shake The Galaxy

Trying to predict the unpredictable, Star Wars-style...

Since the days of yore (also known as 1977), the Star Wars franchise has centred on its big shocking moments. The first trilogy had the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi, €œI am your father€, and then the €œthere is another Skywalker€ sibling reveal. The prequels tried to ape this with Qui-Gon€™s death, the Padme/decoy thing and the massive Order 66 mega-reveal.

Following this grand tradition, the Force Awakens gave us two big surprises €“ the twist that Kylo Ren is Ben Solo, and the shock of him killing his own dad. Star Wars: Episode VIII is bound to follow suit, throwing in scares, surprises and shocking twists at regular intervals.

From what J.J. Abrams€™ showed audiences in Episode VII, it€™s possible €“ with a bit off guesswork €“ to try and extrapolate what the big upcoming twists might be. Here the character deaths, shock allegiance changes and surprising backstory reveals that the majority of cinema-goers may not see coming€

10. Han Solo Isn€™t Dead

To start with, here€™s one that a lot of fans are clinging to. Maybe Han Solo didn€™t die €“ or at least not permanently €“ during the shocking third-act showdown of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It€™s been suggested a few times that Harrison Ford may have some sort of role in the movie, and there are certainly a few ways in which that could work.

For one, the medical processes of the Star Wars universe are far more advanced than are own. Audiences have seen hands, arms and entire bottom-halves of bodies replaced before, due to advanced technology and the fact that lightsabers normally cauterise the wounds that they inflict.

If Kylo€™s lightsaber missed Han€™s vital organs, and he somehow survived the fall, then, perhaps he could return in Star Wars: Episode VIII. It€™s also worth remembering the Dark Side powers that Darth Sidious mentioned in Revenge Of The Sith, that could purportedly hold death at bay. That could become important again one day.

Han returning would certainly be a shock, and one that director Rian Johnson would surely want to preserve while shooting and promoting the film. Maybe he could dramatically reappear towards the end of the film, jumping in to save Luke at a vital moment, just like he did during the Death Star attack way back in A New Hope. This one€™s a long shot, admittedly.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.