Star Wars Episode 8: 10 Predictions You Need To Know

9. Luke’s Beliefs Will Be Explored In Detail

star wars 8

"'What's going on with Luke Skywalker?' is the essential question at the heart of the new film", Johnson told USA Today, before promising that he's got an approach to answering the query that "feels honest and real and is going to be interesting". This could mean that Luke's post-Return Of The Jedi ordeals, and how they shook his confidence, are right at the heart of Episode VIII.

Ben Solo becoming Kylo Ren caused Luke to flee into exile and stop training new Jedi, providing some meaty material for Johnson to tuck into in Episode VIII. Perhaps Luke began to lose faith in his religion - if there's an all-powerful force guiding everything and everyone, why would it turn his nephew against him? Why would it let darkness rise again?

Seeing Luke, who was so many fans' cypher when first learning about the Force, tussling with a lack of faith like this could really pull on some heartstrings.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.