Star Wars Episode 8: 10 Predictions You Need To Know

8. “Force Owls” Will Play A Role

star wars 8

The Making Star Wars fan site has suggested that Luke hasn't been alone on the planet Ach-To all this time; he's actually been hanging out with some birds (avian creatures, that is, not female humans). These flying friendlies, compared in the article to Furbies and puffins, will apparently appear in the film through puppetry. But why?

The fan theory surrounding this one connects to recent episodes of Star Wars Rebels, where birds dubbed the Corvonees - nicknamed Force Owls by - have stuck close to Force-wielders who are neither on the dark side or the light. Like Bendu played by Tom Baker, for example. These birds often seem to witness important moments in this neutral Force-users lives. Is Luke now one of these neither-dark-nor-light people, trapped in the middle of the Force?

"In some ways, I could say that it’s a messenger, it’s an observer", Rebels showrunner Dave Filoni told IGN on the topic of the Corvonees, before adding that "whatever that thing is an avatar of has actually appeared in the animated Star Wars universe before." So these birds seem to have a larger link to Star Wars lore, which could come to a head in Episode VIII - will Luke commune with these creatures to learn vital secrets from the past?


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.