Star Wars Episode VII: 5 Perfect Potential Castings

2. Christopher Walken

rsz_christopher-walken-the-power-of-the-few To Play: Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour Okay, so this is a little out of left field. Christopher Walken is probably one of the most beloved actors working today. Casting him in Star Wars would lend the revived franchise some much needed gravitas- especially when the cast is potentially full of actors who are just not that well known. Now, let's get something out of the way: Walken is quite possible THE scariest-looking actor in Hollywood. He might also be the funniest. This combination, along with a potential role in an Alec Guinness/Yoda sort of role, could make for some must-watch cinema, even if the movie itself ends up being a stinker, which is a real possibility. If Abrams knows what's good, then I am sure that he will at least consider this storied veteran of the big screen. Another thing that Walken has going for him: he is rumored to have been among the final candidates for the original role of Han Solo. Now, how awesome would that have been?

I have been living in New York since 2007. Currently studying Journalism. I like films, music and sports.