Star Wars Episode VII: 5 Starships That Should Return

2. Slave 1

star wars ships 5 Well yeah, if Slave 1 is back its pilot better be back as well. Now it know its seeming more and more likely that Boba Fett is really only going to play a part in his own spin off movie and Slave 1 will show up there but if Disney/Lucasfilm do decide to bring Boba Fett back (in his sixties) to Episode VII, of course seeing Slave 1 is a must. Slave 1, like its owner is full of mystery. It€™s design is odd, the way it flies upright is odd but we all just fell in love with it in Empire Strikes Back. Then in Attack of the Clones we got to see what it could do in action as it chased Obi-Wan through an asteroid field and drop electric guitar bombs all over the place and our love was reignited. Now, I have no idea what capacity Slave 1€™s inclusion in Episodes VII to IX could be and it€™s probably unlikely we€™ll get to see it at all given Boba Fett€™s (unconfimed) death but classic Star Wars starship designs don€™t come much more classic than this and I'm sure given the right opportunity slipping a Slave 1 into the new trilogy would go down very well.

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