Star Wars Episode VII: 5 Starships That Should Return

3. Luke€™s X-Wing

star wars ships 4 Now something tells me that Disney/Lucasfilm won€™t dig out many old ships for any new space battles because each trilogy needs its own set of visuals. The Prequels had Naboo starfighters and Jedi starfighters as well as the growing republic starfighter designs. The original trilogy had X-wings, B-Wings, Y-Wings and a number of other wing designs. The new trilogy should of course have its own set of ships. Its thirty years on after all and if X-Wings were like World War II Spitfires, then its logical to think the Star Wars Galaxy would be on to bigger and brighter things 30 years on (ooooh the possibilities). BUT€ The Star Wars kid in me hopes that Luke retains his X-Wing. Yeah, I know, Luke crashes pretty much every ship he ever flew but given that in the prequels the Jedi had their own Jedi starfighters, I think Luke should still knock about in his good ol€™ X-Wing fighter. I don€™t think he€™ll necessarily take part in any of the big space battles in it, though I guess there€™s no reason why he shouldn't given his piloting skills and all but having the visual of Mark Hamill in his X-Wing with R2 in the back is something I€™d love to see again. In a movie that's going to be jam packed with new starships and vehicles for Disney and Hasbro to reproduce in toy form for the masses, this small shout out to Episodes IV to VI would be a little bit of fanboy service and a nice little nod to what came before. Also Luke being a Jedi, and no doubt the lead one at that, the fleet of X-Wings could maybe have been donated to the Jedi order as the all new Jedi starship of choice. Come on, I'll go with any excuse as long as Luke still has his one.

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