Star Wars: Episode VIII - 8 Biggest Reveals From Celebration Europe You Need To Know

8. It Starts At The End Of Episode VII

Star Wars Episode Viii Daisy Ridley Rey

This was something that was expected ever since the video announcing the commencement of shooting showed Johnson directing a recreation of the end of The Force Awakens, but Episode VIII is going to break from Star Wars tradition and pick up directly where the last film left off.

The reasoning he stated was solid - he wanted to see that first interaction between Luke and Rey, rather than skipping forward in whatever direction their relationship will take. It also works as a throwback to the serial inspiration for the original Star Wars, where each "episode" would follow on from the previous part. Whether this sets a trend for Episode IX, however, remains to be seen.

By extrapolation this (probably) tells us how the movie will start - the crawl will be a recount of Episode VII with a bit of new info, while the opening scene will be the Falcon flying towards Ahch-To.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.