Star Wars: Episode VIII - 8 Biggest Reveals From Celebration Europe You Need To Know

7. It Was Plotted By The Filmmaker's Reaction To The Force Awakens During Production

Star Wars The Force Awakens Rey

Even though Episode VIII will play into the bigger picture of the ongoing Star Wars saga, the actual development of the story and characters within the film appears to come from a more personal perspective, informed by what works best for this single film as much where it's head; the movie is really born out of Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of the story group's reaction to the characters of the then in-development Episode VII.

The team started developing the film when The Force Awakens was still in production, so were working with the raw characters and letting their personal feelings guide the way, like both the characters with the Force and, more importantly, fans theorising over where things will go next. And that was the real message here from everyone in attendance; they're all fans.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.