Star Wars: Episode VIII - 8 Biggest Reveals From Celebration Europe You Need To Know

2. The Ships Are Designed For Dynamic Shots

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Another image showed one of the set builds, which spurred Johnson on to explaining the visual effects process of the film. He lamented how the chosen image showed so much green screen (as he said, no bad thing, but something Star Wars fans have a bit of an aversion to), but really wanted to push how physical the film is.

In fact, he used it to show how they're using practical sets to really push what they can capture in camera, with the interior sets built with outside ephemera, meaning they can have exterior shots with the inside detail without even having to touch a computer.

This is, of course, hardly new, but on such a large scale (and to be achieved naturally, rather than digitally as with the prequels) is incredibly exciting and shows how Johnson is really trying to push for new things.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.