Star Wars: Episode VIII - 8 Biggest Reveals From Celebration Europe You Need To Know
3. Rian Johnson Finds The Background Characters Essential
Because so little could be said or discussed about the film, a key part of the Episode VIII segment of the panel focused on the recent images Johnson has been sharing on Instagram. One of the most intriguing was a shot of a bunch of Resistance extras stood milling between takes, which led to Johnson praising the background artists.
Over the course of the shoot, he slowly realised just how essential they are to building the Star Wars universe and presenting it as a complete, lived-in world, spending more and more time focused on them. If anybody felt The Force Awakens was too speedy and plot-focused, then the sequel will address that.
I've met several people who had bit-parts in Episode VII and every story they told was one of inclusivity, and it's great to hear this is running through all the movies.