Star Wars Episode VIII - Everything We Know So Far

4. Benicio Del Toro Will Play A Villain (Sort Of)

Well this is cool. Benicio Del Toro, the very talented and charismatic Oscar-winning actor seen in films such as Traffic and last year's Sicario, has been cast in a villainous role in Episode VIII. Or maybe not so villainous? After he signed on for the movie and confirmed his role as a bad guy of some capacity to a Spanish radio station, Del Toro later took it all back - presumably on the prompting of Disney, who are very, very secretive about this sort of thing. When discussing his future role with Entertainment Weekly, the actor said:
"I don't know if he's a villain. People are saying that, but it's like they read a different script than I read. If they want to believe it's the villain, then good."
Which kind of translates to: "I am playing a villain, but the studio didn't want me to tell you that, so now I will be vague and ambiguous about the whole thing and pretend I never said it." Confusion aside, you can almost definitely expect Benicio Del Toro to turn up playing a bad guy in Episode VIII - which is great news all round.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.