Star Wars: Episode VIII - Predicting The Entire Plot In 11 Steps

4. Rey Finishes Constructing Her Lightsaber; Luke's Tale; Luke Senses That Leia Is In Trouble

On Ach-To, Rey finishes constructing her lightsaber using the Kyber crystal. Luke tells her that, though she has constructed her own Jedi weapon, she is still a long way from becoming a true Jedi. Rey asks Luke whether he knows why she was left on Jakku, but Luke falls silent. He insists that Kylo Ren must be stopped at all costs for what he did to Han. He also tells Rey that Ren is now too far gone and can never return to the light. At Rey's prompting, Luke explains his connection to Kylo Ren: that, a long time ago, Ben Solo was his best pupil. However, Ren soon fell under the influence of Supreme Leader Snoke, then a respectable Republican official, who told him about his grandfather, Darth Vader, and convinced him that the Dark Side was the right path. Ren formed a gang with some of Luke's other students, nicknamed themselves the Knights of Ren, and together butchered all of Luke's students in an act of rebellion. Ren attacked Luke and vanished. "I went into hiding," he tells Rey. "Self-imposed exile." He then explains how he was unable to face Han or Leia after he failed to train the next generation of Jedi and lost their son. Before he can finish his story, however, he senses a disturbance in the Force - Leia is in trouble. He tells Rey to collect up her things; they leave Ach-To in Luke's old X-Wing.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.