Star Wars: Every Jedi Who Turned To The Dark Side

7. Asajj Ventress

Count Dooku Jedi
Del Rey

Asajj Ventress was a Dathamorian woman who did it all. At various times in her life, she was a slave, a Jedi Padawan, a Sith apprentice, an assassin, and a bounty hunter. As an adept Force user, she does all of these things very well. Unfortunately, her life was a tragic one.

Asajj was born on Dathomir, a planet outside of the boundaries of the Galactic Republic. She was born to a clan of witches and Force users called the Nightsisters. As a child, Asajj was sold, by her clan, into slavery. Her Master, who was relatively kind to Asajj, took the girl to a violent planet controlled by pirates. Asajj's Master was later killed by pirates. Let that be a lesson- maybe don't live on pirate planets.

Asajj was later discovered by the Jedi Knight, Ky Narec, who she saved from a pirate attack using her untapped connection to the Force. Narec took on Asajj as a Padawan. Narec trained Asajj for ten years as the protected innocents from constant pirate attacks. But, tragedy would strike again as Ky Narec was shot and killed by- you guessed it- pirates.

Freaking pirates, every time.

Consumed by grief at the loss of yet another parental figure, Asajj fully embraced the dark side. She took vengeance on her Master's killers, murdering them. Soon her dark exploits would catch the attention of Count Dooku, who wished to use Asajj in a quest to overthrow his dark Master Palpatine. Eventually, Dooku tried to murder Asajj, Asajj tried to kill Dooku, and finally, she decided to start freelancing as a bounty hunter.

Who needs a master anyway?

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at