Star Wars: Every Jedi Who Turned To The Dark Side

4. Grand Inquisitor

Count Dooku Jedi

The Grand Inquisitor was a mysterious Pau'an male and a former Jedi Temple guard. During the Galactic Empire, the Grand Inquisitor was a Sith enforcer who hunted and killed Jedi throughout the galaxy.

Inquisitors were a group of fallen Jedi who became Vader’s lethal enforcers. We’re not going to talk about all the inquisitors, though. Don’t worry, I have a perfectly good reason for not mentioning every Brother and Sister. I don’t want to.

After a failure in battle with Jedi Kanan Jarrus, the Grand Inquisitor allowed himself to die, knowing that death was preferable to the punishment that Darth Vader would have for him. However, Vader was still able to trap the former Jedi Temple guard's spirit within the Jedi Temple on Lothal.

The Inquisitor's spirit was trapped in the temple, where he encountered Kanan and later fought and lost to Luke Skywalker. After his failure with Skywalker, the Inquisitor asked Vader if his spirit would ever be released. Vader told the Inquisitor that he still had use for him. And that's the last we ever see of him, so presumably, the Inquisitor is still trapped in his grim role of the lone Jedi Guard of an abandoned temple.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at