Star Wars: Every Jedi Who Turned To The Dark Side

2. Pong Krell

Count Dooku Jedi

While most of the Jedi on this list have a tragic history that helps explain their fall to the dark side, Pong Krell is just kind of a dick. Krell was a Besalisk male possessing four arms and some genuinely magnificent jowls. Krell's extra appendages allowed him to be dual wield double-bladed lightsabers.

Krell was a Jedi Master and served as a highly successful general during the Clone Wars. His battle earned Krell respect in the Jedi Order, but Krell was less popular with his Clone troopers. During his time as a commander, Krell's Clone troopers sustained the highest casualties during battle.

In the later years of the war, Krell began to have visions of the future calamity that would befall Jedi and the Republic. These dark visions caused Krell to fall to the dark side, but he hid this from his fellow Jedi and remained in his position as a Jedi general. He even sabotaged Jedi operations in the hope of gaining Count Dooku's attention.

Unfortunately for Krell, he was assassinated by his own Clone troopers before his plan could come to fruition. Kind of like an Order 66 dry run.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at