Star Wars: Every Lightsaber Duel Ranked Worst To Best

2. Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn Vs Darth Maul - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars

If Qui-Gon and Maul's first meeting on Tatooine was a teaser of what was to come, then this was what was promised, and boy did it deliver. From Darth Maul lowering his hood and revealing his double-ended lightsaber to John Williams' unbeatable "Duel of the Fates" musical score, this is one of the single greatest moments in the entire Star Wars franchise.

With mind-blowing choreography and the lingering, palpable feeling that something is about to go very wrong, the duel pushes both Jedi to their limits as they fight their way through Naboo, leaping around and slashing at each other with vicious intent.

The most nerve-jangling moment of the duel comes when Obi-Wan is cut off from Qui-Gon and is forced to watch as Maul cuts him down, unable to do anything to save him. Obi-Wan attacks once more, and eventually gains the upper hand, cutting the Sith Lord in two before consoling his dying master.

It's a thrilling, seamlessly executed battle, and would sit on the top of the list if not for one other duel...

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.