Star Wars: Every Major Jedi Ranked Worst To Best

2. Yoda

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey lightsaber

The word "beloved" doesn't even begin to cover how people feel about Master Yoda. This goofy looking guy has become one of the most iconic characters in cinema, and it's impossible to find someone who doesn't recognise his voice. But, he didn't stumble upon this fame by chance.

Yoda walks many paths in Star Wars, as he begins life in the original trilogy as a funny little monster who annoys our hero. But then, he's revealed to be a wise and powerful Jedi, and his training with Luke makes it clear that he very much is an absolute master of The Force.

From there, Yoda grows even better, as you learn more about him in the prequels, coming to understand that he is in many ways the wisest character in the entire universe and can even kick some serious butt with a lightsaber. Some may dislike the CGI animation used for Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, but it was an excellent opportunity to show that his fighting skills are nothing to scoff at.

His design, voice, character and mentorship are just as ubiquitous as The Force and lightsabers themselves. But he's etched out by one other icon...


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