Star Wars: Everything We Know So Far About The Obi-Wan TV Show

6. Tatooine Will Feature Heavily (Yet Again)

Obi-Wan TV Show Qui-Gon Ghost
Marvel Comics

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the show is the inherent limitations placed on it by what we already know about Obi-Wan in this timeframe: he is, in essence, confined to a life of hermitage on Tatooine.

Despite its reputation as a remote, backwards place of little consequence, Tatooine has already featured more heavily than any other planet in the saga so far. In total, six of the nine episodic films have spent time there; it was even chosen as a fitting locale to close out both the the prequel and sequel trilogies. Additionally, the fifth episode of The Mandalorian took us there yet again.

So what will Obi-Wan be doing there? By the time of A New Hope, he seems very knowledgeable about the area, almost the David Attenborough of the Dune Sea. He's very clued up about the behaviour of Tusken Raiders, he knows how to give slaughtered Jawas a decent funeral and he has very definite opinions about the class of clientele found in Mos Eisley Spaceport.

As the system is under Hutt control, Jabba could also feature at some point. Given his apparent aversion to flying though, we are unlikely to see him competing in any pod-racing.


Eighties kid, Sims addict, Stardew Valley enthusiast, Northumbrian twanger, Toon fan, father of two.