Star Wars: Han Solo Might Include Popular Prequel Era Character; New Alien Creature Revealed
I've got a good feeling about this.

Although the Star Wars fandom is currently in a hype frenzy over The Last Jedi - and understandably so - there's also the little matter of the Han Solo anthology movie coming just a few months later.
While the release date may end up being pushed back to December (it is Star Wars month, after all), production is well underway, and as such we're getting a few more details coming out about the movie.
As part of the Omaze: Force for Change initiative - for which one of the prizes is the chance to appear in the Han Solo movie - a new behind-the-scenes set video has been put together, fronted by Warwick Davis. It's a nice video, and interestingly it also includes a look at a new many-eyed alien create who'll be appearing in the film. That is one well-dressed alien to be honest.
The other bit of Han Solo news comes from Making Star Wars, and while it's mostly conjecture at this stage, is potentially a little spoilery (in a broad sense, but if you don't want to know anything then now is your chance to look away).
The site reports that there's a character in the movie by the name of Dryden Vos, who is a major part of the movie. As they note, that sounds awfully familiar to the character of Quinlan Vos, and speculate it could mean he is indeed in this movie.
Vos started life in the EU, based on an extra in The Phantom Menace. Since then he's been brought into canon, with a sly mention in Revenge of the Sith, an appearance in The Clone Wars, and that Menace character has been retconned to actually be him.
A Jedi from Kiffu, he was considered something of a maverick in the Jedi Order for his willingness to bend, or even operate fully outside of, the rules. He possessed a rare ability known as psychometry, which allowed him to perceive the memories of others by touching an object they'd also touched. That made him an expert tracker, and meant he was often deployed by the Order as an undercover Jedi in the criminal underworld.

There was a lot of speculation that Vos would have featured heavily in the planned Star Wars: Underworld TV series (which has sadly long been scrapped), which also would've featured appearances from the likes of Han, Lando, and Chewbacca - so there is a connection there. If this movie explores the underworld of the Star Wars universe, then there's sense in having someone like Vos appear.
What do you think of the new alien? Would you like to see Vos in the Han Solo movie? Share your thoughts down in the comments.