Star Wars - Han Solo Shortlist Of Actors Ranked

2. Scott Eastwood

Seen In: The Longest Ride, Dawn Patrol, Fury, Texas Chainsaw 3D, Gran Torino Why He'd Be Great As Solo: Eastwood is the scion of Hollywood royalty, what with his old man being The Man With No Name himself, and it's obvious that junior has movie star looks and charisma out the wazzoo. He has an unspecified role in this year's Suicide Squad, so clearly someone on the blockbuster-side of cinema saw something special within him; it's a shame we've had zero confirmation as to what that role might be, as a little geek cred goes a long way when being considered for something as big as a Star Wars role. Scott Eastwood's best advantages in this race are his obvious leading-man persona and appearance, even though he's very noticeably failed to have a huge leading role/hit film combo as yet. All else aside, he'd definitely be a heck of a face to stick on the poster. What Are His Chances: Almost as high as they can be, considering he's still in the running despite being the oldest of the candidates and, unlike Teller, looking more mature (it's been heavily documented that the filmmakers intend Han Solo to be as close to 20 as possible). His obvious movie star appeal not withstanding, he must be performing pretty well in his auditions to have captured the attention of Phil Lord and Chris Miller as much as he is. That, or Clint's been pulling some strings...

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.