Star Wars: How Episode 9 Fixes The Last Jedi’s Biggest Mistakes

1. SOMETHING Relating To Skywalkers WILL Be A Major Plot Point

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker

Who are Rey's parents? What are Luke's continued thoughts on the state of the galaxy? Is there any Dark energy left in that banged up Vader helmet Kylo clutches onto so dearly?

All things revolve around the Skywalker name, and Star Wars has long been known as the tale of Skywalkers - both Luke and Anakin across their respective trilogies.

For the Sequel Trilogy, that reveal never came, neutralised at the core when Rey saw only herself in the cave on Ahch-To, and Kylo outright stated her parents were "filthy junk traders".

Rian Johnson noted that because this part of the story was left open when he began writing, he went with "the hardest thing [Rey] could hear", but don't be surprised if she's a Skywalker after all, by the time the credits roll.

There's also possibility for Ben Solo/Kylo Ren to fully embrace the light after his confusion across both movies, or for "Skywalker" in this new sense to mean a class of Jedi Rey is training for the future.

Either way, with Skywalker directly in the name, it confirms something relating to the backbone of the franchise is coming, and that's in direct conflict with The Last Jedi's throwaway nature.

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