Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: 10 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

We'll never get over the treatment of Maul in Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace!

Star Wars Count Dooku Darth Maul General Grievous

With every year that passes, the attitude towards George Lucas' once hugely divisive Star Wars prequel trilogy softens that little bit more.

The youngsters who were raised on Jar Jar Binks' shenanigans, jaw-dropping lightsaber action, and the sight of Master Yoda flipping around a Sith Lord are all grown up. And their voices have begun to drown out those older fans who were left heartbroken over a series of films that refused to transport them back to their own childhoods.

However, even those who are quick to salute Episodes I-III as hugely underrated pieces of space opera art, will admit to the flicks in question not being entirely perfect. In fact, there are a whole host of frustrating missed opportunities that could have helped turn these Skywalker Saga entries into an even stronger collection of big-screen stories.

Just imagine how awesome it would have been to see some iconic villains get a little more time to shine, or how much more impactful certain moments would have been had specific elements been handled better.

Not even a George Lucas special edition can fix or alter these issues/moments sadly, but that still won't stop fans from wondering about what could have been.

10. The Separatist Forces Weren't All That Intimidating By Episode III

Star Wars Count Dooku Darth Maul General Grievous

After watching our heroes be chased around the galaxy by the Empire's not always entirely accurate stormtroopers throughout the Star Wars original trilogy, an upgrade was certainly needed for the prequels' villainous forces.

And for a minute there, it looked like they may have received precisely that.

During Episode I - The Phantom Menace, the Trade Federation's droid army initially came across as a quite terrifying and seemingly never-ending stream of merciless mechanical soldiers.

Then, after an often quite intimidating introduction during that first prequel entry, and even some pretty epic moments in Episode II - Attack of the Clones - the debut of the Super Battle Droids being one of them - things all got a little silly, didn't they?

Most noticeably in Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, the battle droids that once struck fear into the hearts of Gungans were spending more time backchatting and cracking jokes than trying to take out Republic forces.

Even with the arrival of a few upgraded metal troopers, there's no denying the fact that turning this once menacing army into a source of wacky comedy seriously undermined the threat of the Separatist army as the Clone Wars reached their end.

George Lucas initially appeared to have created a frightening new collection of droid fighters to keep the Republic busy when given the opportunity to unleash a new evil in the galaxy, but frustratingly opted to eventually undo a ton of that awesome work in favour of a few one-liners and slapstick gags.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...