Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: 10 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

9. Boba Fett Doesn't Get His Revenge

Star Wars Count Dooku Darth Maul General Grievous

In one rather brutal moment amidst Episode II - Attack of the Clones, a young Boba Fett is forced to watch his father Jango get his head sliced clean off by Jedi Master Mace Windu.

And as the young clone takes in this life-changing even during the prequels' Battle of Geonosis, it didn't take long for some fans to dream up a scenario where the eventual top-class bounty hunter ultimately got his revenge on the purple-bladed Force-user.

But this young Fett never quite got the chance to fire his blasters at Windu in the prequels before he was shot out of a window by Darth Sidious during Episode III - Revenge of the Sith; something that eventually felt like a massive missed opportunity to create another iconic Star Wars moment.

Perhaps even more frustratingly, there was actually a time when Boba returning to attack Windu in that third entry was seemingly considered, with a piece of Revenge of the Sith concept art depicting the sharpshooter killing Mace in the flick (via BobaFettFanClub).

While the icon would actually clash with Windu again during the Clone Wars animated series, the fact he didn't get the chance to take out his father's killer in the prequels will always be a tough pill to swallow.

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