Star Wars: Ranking Every Major Death From Worst To Best

2. Darth Vader

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The Death: Shortly after throwing his master to his doom in the closing stages of Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader dies following a final conversation with son Luke as the Death Star teeters on collapse.

Ranking Explained: Vader is the undisputed face of Star Wars, regardless of the new characters the series has introduced over the years. Forget Anakin Skywalker from the prequels (yes we know they’re the same character), forget Rey - Vader’s dark demeanour, blood red lightsaber, and iconic breathing are why he is as universally loved as he is today.

His death, then, is tastefully handled. It is, prior to the creation of Lucas’ prequel trilogy, the only time in the original films we see him without his mask off. Finally, the monster who fans have seen murder Obi-Wan Kenobi, chop Luke’s hand off, and sanction the carbonite imprisonment of Han Solo is exposed to be nothing but just a mere man behind a mask that makes him the evil, brooding figure who brings so much fear to the galaxy. Their conversation, and Luke's forgiveness for his crimes, prompts audiences to yearn for a way for him to survive, only to have their hopes dashed.

It’s a scene so satisfying that only one Star Wars death can possibly trump it...

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