Star Wars: Ranking Every Major Death From Worst To Best
1. Han Solo
The Death: After years of smuggling, seducing women and playing the role of hero, Han Solo is no more when son Kylo Ren impales him on Starkiller Base towards the end of The Force Awakens.
Ranking Explained: Who didn’t dream of being Han Solo as a child? Cocksure, charming, confident, and with a knack for trouble all at the same time, the world fell just as in love with Harrison Ford’s character during the years of the original trilogy, even if Ford himself was never quite as fond.
Prior to Return of the Jedi, Ford begged George Lucas to give him the death the hero deserved. However, he would have to wait over 30 years to get the send-off he craved. But boy was it worth the wait .In one of the most emotional scenes in the entire saga, Ben Solo murders his father and an icon of a generation in cold blood, using his crossguard lightsaber to cut him down before discarding his body down... a chute, obviously.
Clearly tormented, the young Jedi begs for Han’s help and when he obliges, he pays the price. The cinematography is on point too, with the black and red colours coupled with Ford and Adam Driver’s terrific acting making it the most hard-hitting death of the entire franchise.
What do you think is the best Star Wars death? Let us know down in the comments.