Star Wars: Ranking Every Major Death From Worst To Best

12. Boba Fett

Rogue One Jyn Cassian deaths

The Death: Boba Fett is killed in Return of the Jedi when his jetpack takes damage and he ends up slipping and sliding into the open mouth of the Sarlaac on Tatooine.

Ranking Explained: For a character with very little screen time and even smaller word count, Boba Fett is held in rather high regard. His ominous demeanour suggests he is not a man to be trifled with and the way he serves Darth Vader so loyally makes him a baddie that stands out, even in a trilogy – and galaxy - where Vader, the Emperor and even Jabba the Hutt all exist.

But his death is poor. Did George Lucas really think Boba falling into the Sarlaac pit, while moaning and screaming out of worry, was the best idea? The galaxy’s most-feared bounty hunter is introduced in the Empire Strikes Back (in order of release that is) but his comical and luckluster death in the following film ruins his reputation for good and makes him memorable for all the wrong reasons.

His appearance, with his cool-looking helmet, Mandalorian armour and flamethrower, endears him but that’s all that does. Falling into the Sarlaac pit is a fate that many experience. And that shows Lucas only ever deemed Boba as an average joe rather than main man.

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