Star Wars: Ranking Every Space Battle Worst To Best
14. Battle Of Geonosis - Episode II
Yes, the majority of this battle takes place on the planet of Geonosis, rendering it not necessarily a 'space battle', but this is Star Wars, so most things can be argued as being in space.
Plus, it's probably the best bit of what is otherwise this particular writer's worst of the films from the three trilogies.
There are some great moments within the scene as we get to witness the clone troopers strutting their stuff properly for the first time. The special effects are pretty impressive too, with an uncountable amount of droids meeting their end amid some excellent close-up action on the ground.
Led by Yoda, the clone troopers and Jedi pretty much kick-ass before we are served up the lightsabre battle between Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Count Dooku.
The less said about that duel, though, the better.