Star Wars Rebels Season 3: 5 Ways It'll Connect To Rogue One

2. Mon Mothma, Dodonna And More…

Mon Mothma Star Wars Rogue One Rebels
Disney XD

Rebels has already done a fine job of tying both eras of the Star Wars Universe together thanks to appearances from Bail and Leia Organa, as well as Tarkin and Vader, all four of whom also make appearances in Rogue One.

Now there is another diplomatic official coming straight out of Rogue One.

Mon Mothma was a prominent figure in Rogue One, showing her to be an integral, diplomatic leader of the Rebel Alliance, who gained next to no screen time in the live-action prequels and a few fleeting appearances in The Clone Wars. Now her appearance in Rebels has been confirmed and with that, there is a fantastic opportunity to show her value and role in the formation of the Alliance.

And she’s not the only one. In the Season Three premiere, Hera mentions that the liberated Y-Wings from Reklam Station were to be transferred to General Dodonna’s unit, the cell that works out of Yavin 4 and was instrumental in the attack on the Death Star. In the mid-season trailer, we see those same Y-Wings make their return (with a new lick of paint I may also mention) and sure enough, there’s a “blink or you’ll miss it” moment where General Dodonna can be spotted around a terminal.

These are only small details but have a massive impact on the story being told here. Rebels is inching its way closer and closer to the events of A New Hope where the Alliance is fully formed, but here we are still on the fringes of that moment.

Which brings me to my final point…


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down