Star Wars Rebels Season 3: 5 Ways It'll Connect To Rogue One

3. Cassian Andor?

Mon Mothma Star Wars Rogue One Rebels

This entry is more speculation than confirmation but it is worth mentioning here due to a piece of information that has been highlighted by ScreenCrush’s Kevin Fitzpatrick.

In the Star Wars Rogue One Visual Guide, one of Cassian Andor’s aliases as Fulcrum. Now fans of Star Wars Rebels don’t need to be reminded that Fulcrum was also the alias that Ahsoka Tano used throughout the first season of Rebels and is also the alias that Imperial defector, Agent Kallus is currently using. Hera tells the crew in The Antilles Extraction that Fulcrum is an alias given to all their informers, so it is possible that we are reading too much into this piece of information, and Fulcrum has been used here to tie all aspects of the Star Wars universe closer together.

However, it’s not a stretch to think that we may be seeing a younger Cassian in the Rebels-verse. He tells Jyn in Rogue One that he has been fighting for the Rebellion since he was 6 years-old, which places him right in the middle of the Rebels timeline.

Plus, wouldn’t we all want to K-2SO appear in Star Wars Rebels. Something tells me he would get on great with Chopper.


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