Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Crazy Rumours You Should Definitely Believe

10. It's The Death Star Plan Movie

Rumours have been going around for months that Gareth Edwards' Star Wars spin-off was going to be about the Rebels pre-A New Hope, specifically focusing on the acquisition of the Death Star plans that kick the whole Original Trilogy into motion. As vague as it may be, Rogue One is a title that lines up with that idea. And it sure makes a lot more sense than The Crazy Adventures Of Wedge Antilles. The idea itself is a brilliant one, both as a film in and of itself and as a part of an expanding franchise. The idea of some sort of heist/crime/espionage thriller within the Star Wars universe is a deliriously exciting one (especially given that every film so far hasn't veered too far from the fantasy epic subgenre) and framing the first spin-off by the events in Star Wars' crawl makes the whole spin-off exercise feel justified; this isn't just grabbing easy money, but dramatising a key event in the galaxy's history. But far from just being Ocean's Eleven In Space, this film could be something much more pivotal. As seen in TV's Star Wars: Rebels, the Rebellion wasn't coherently established until a few years before A New Hope, meaning any film that deals with the Death Star plans will also be detailing the origins of the Rebellion. Sure, that's something the prequels should probably have done, but whatever.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.