Star Wars Rogue One: 10 Major Questions We Still Have
Is Jyn really as "good" as she seems?

Fire up the Death Star, because it is nearly time to go for a spin with Gareth Edwards for the hotly anticipated Rogue One: A Star Wars Story pits a rag tag band of rebels agains the forces of the Galactic Empire in one of this year's biggest blockbusters.
With a smorgasbord of trailers already released, we have had more than a few chances to see Felicity Jones's Jyn Erso leading the propaganda drive for Hope.
It would be entirely reasonable at this stage to say that the hype levels are at fever pitch for December 16th and beyond into the spun-off universe.
The Lucasverse's track record with sequels may not exactly be positive, but Rogue One has the potential to break the mould - pulling from the likes of The Dirty Dozen and The Magnificent Seven, the film promises grit, a new darkness and - more than anything - hope.
With the final trailer released we can finally tick off the mysterious Mads Mikkelsen from our burning questions lists - however, did the last look at the film give us more questions than answers? Not entirely.
Here are 10 major questions we still have for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
10. When Is Rogue One Actually Set?

That iconic starting crawl will undoubtedly set the scene for Rogue One (assuming there actually is one), but with Revenge of Sith ending some 19 years prior to A New Hope, Rogue One is expected to fill that gap in between. If only there was a handy Captain's log, Stardate to keep us informed.
The final trailer also gave a long-awaited Darth Vader in full get up, so we also know that Anakin Skywalker is officially no more, while a fully functioning Death Star puts the date closer to Episode IV than III.
Revenge of the Sith teased the first building of a Death Star, and Return of the Jedi showed us Death Star 2.0 in construction. We know that such a project doesn't just happen over night - this is not a Starkiller Base we are talking about. A precise date of the Rogue One mission is unknown, but we know all the pieces will be in place for the start of A New Hope.
Despite being close to the originals in timing, director Gareth Edwards is taking a different path and story from Lucas's original, so we shouldn't look out for too many ties to the first trilogy.
Don't get hyped for any Obi Wan appearances, and don't expect to see a teeny Luke Skywalker knocking around on Tatooine. However, with Jimmy Smits confirming he will be back as Bail Organa, chances of a young Princess Leia is much more likely.
Fans of the series will know that A New Hope starts with Leia sending the Death Star plans hurling out into the unknown in the care of C3-PO and R2-D2, so expect Rogue One to build towards that conclusion.